
Monday, 11 July 2011

Fast Mover

Nik naks...

Right in the middle of a move to Scotland and I'm surrounded by all of the above. My hair is looking slightly ruffled! No matter how neatly I pack everything, I always seem to need another box!

Always have done, always will!

Yet have you noticed that women are so much better at packing than men? Why is that? What is their secret?

As well as being universally born with natural rhythm, they all seem to excel at packing. If there was a national packing championship - and I'll bet money that there is one somewhere - they'd wipe the floor with men!  

My theory:
It's because men ain't too great at other essential chores in the packing mix:
  • Folding - men can fold and fold and fold till the cows come home, but our shirts and trousers will still always look like something from out of an Origami for Beginners activity book
  • Ironing - some men iron better than others, true. Generally, though, they always look as if they've ironed them with a sledgehammer. And some men iron their clothes while still wearing them, therefore burning the clothes and themselves into the bargain. Ouch! Oh yeah... on top of it, it takes them a century to do so, as well!
  • Efficient use of space - ever seen inside a woman's handbag? Car and house keys, lipsticks, eyeliners, brushes, purse, mobile, sunglasses, the odd diary. They get the kitchen sink in there and then some! Men don't get so much practice at it, but hopefully the manbag will remedy this!  
So if you want to shine when it comes to packing, maybe the answer is to sharpen up your ironing, folding and storage skills. 

At the most, you'll impress the lady in your life, or who you want to be in it. At the least, you'll restore their faith in men!

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