
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Lowering the (Boss)Tone

When I started this blog, some 5 or 6 years ago, it seemed a great way to share my take on the world, do some writing and gain work experience, all in one. (It still is.) Remembering the title of one of my favourite songs, the Mighty Mighty Bosstones' 'The Impression That I Get' felt perfect for my blog too.

Problem is, when you type "the impression that I get" into Google your query is more likely to bring up results for the song - either lyrics, guitar chords, video and other 'impression that I get'-related searches - by these one-hit-wonders of ska than for my blog. 

So today I've set myself the challenge of knocking the Mighty Mighty Bosstones off the top spot on Google (sorry, guys, love the song but SEO is a serious business!).

So how do you topple the Bosstones?
First I've gotta go with keyword phrases such as 'Bosstones', 'Mighty Mighty Bosstones' and 'the impression that I get'. 'Bosstones' receives the most searches, so I'd best try to optimise with this. By slipping each term into the headers and into the copy where possible there's a chance that when people type them into Google my blog pops up in the search results too. 

Weaving keyphrases into texts is an art form in itself, however. Writing '"The Impression That I Get" by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones"' at the start of every single sentence would be about as subtle as a sledgehammer. Instead, you should blend your keywords or keyword phrases (in this case 'the impression that I get') into the copy naturally. 

Write for the reader first, then write for Google second.

How Else?
Hey, why not include a Mighty Mighty Bosstones music video? Preferably of 'The Impression That I Get'. Then you can see why I like it so much.

 Source: You Tube /Vevo
Of course, there is something of an ulterior motive here as well. While sharing the song with you for your listening pleasure, I'm also optimising the blog. Popping this Mighty Mighty Bosstones video in my post is a chance to provde good content; good content attracts more traffic to a blog (visitors and visits to the website); and more visitors means a higher Google ranking. 

More importantly, of course, it also increases the chances of my blog appearing when you type in 'Bosstones', 'Mighty Mighty Bosstones' or 'The Impression That I Get'. Yippety bippety!

What do you think?
Another angle I can attack the Bosstones from is to simply ask my readers what they think of the content. Interacting with the reader... engaging them... is one of several ways to optimise your site. 'How to'-type articles are a great way to do this, since they give readers the chance to offer tips and recommendations on different topics and share related content.

Smart approach two is to take part in discussions on other people's blogs. Then I can link my post on their blog back to my own. If Lady Googleluck is on my side, they'll take a peek, enjoy the content and comment. Go on, you know wanna!

How the Mighty have fallen
These are just a few ways I can try to optimise my blog and hopefully knock the Mighty Mighty Bosstones off their firm Google perch. Hopefully, thanks to some nifty SEO, I'll be uttering these immortal words some day!

And of course, these tips don't just apply to my site. You can implement them to slay your own particular Goliath. Not literally though, please!

Let me know how you go.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Betty III

It's been little more than a year since you left us. I thought about you and cried.

Just after you left us, we all met again for breakfast at your place, as we do every Sunday. There we all were, sitting and chatting and munching on chocolates, sausage rolls and other goodies as always. And yet something just didn't feel right. 

All the while I kept hoping, stupid as it sounds, that any moment you'd come in to offer or bring me another cup of coffee. You didn't. You couldn't. It was like being with you at the funeral parlour, where I kept willing you to say something. Of course, you didn't. You couldn't.

We're all still looking after each other, as is the Jones way, and doing our best to look after Grandad. You brought us all together and now in death you hold us all together.

I listened to a really beautiful song the other day called 'Drops of Jupiter'. I'd always thought it was a love song about a girl who had left behind her partner to find something better. Curious about the lyrics, I decided to look them up on the internet. 

It turns out that the songwriter wrote it for his mother, who passed away from cancer. He woke up one day with the words 'now that's she's back in the atmosphere' in his head and was inspired by the idea that no one ever really leaves us. 

Seeing how we're still all holding together one year on, maybe he was right. Maybe no one ever really does leave us. I hope it's true. I really do.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

You're Too Shy Shy (Hush Hush)

You ever gone to a party and found it full of strangers? You just stand there amongst a circle of strangers, holding your can of beer and laughing or nodding in all the right places as the speaker looks at - and maybe talks at- you all. 

(Incidentally, here's a tip to appear sociable but avoid getting completely wrecked: drink a can of beer then keep hold of the empty can for as long as you can, 'sipping' from it every now and then. I tried this and got away with it for a good two hours before having to crack open my next beer.

Alternatively, you can leave them half-drunk around the party venue and open new drinks elsewhere. Both are smashing ruses. The second one is more expensive though!)

Or maybe you've been to a club and seen an absolute bombshell, but not had the courage to approach them.

So how do you overcome this shyness?
Promise you won't laugh if I tell you?  

Before you ask, the answer isn't 'Get completely hammered and worry about the consequences later'. I've no doubt that works, but it's not what I'm about to suggest. 

The obvious answer would be to do a course in public speaking, of course. But believe it or not, I've found out that, to an extent, freelancing can be a great way to overcome shyness.

How so?
Well, freelancers plunge in at the deep end workwise. They go it alone and, to make their living, have to find their own clients. This means they have to approach people they've never met before and pitch for their business, basically telling the potential client how brilliant they are. 

Then when they've talked the talk and charmed the client into their client portfolio, they've got to walk the walk and prove they were worth the investment.

It all takes courage. And it all comes from people who, as freelancers, others think are shy, retiring, loner types. I was once a freelancer and preferred to think of myself as a lone wolf, as a bit of a maverick.

We---ll, you've gotta add a bit of glamour to the role, ain't ya!

Not only that, though...
Now this is daft and I'm just having some fun, but I also learned we're not afraid to talk to strangers on the phone. 

For sometimes, as freelancers, we are indeed loner types. There were times when I wouldn't see anyone all day, or at least until the evenings when everyone was back from work.

So when people called but had got the wrong number, I'd quite happily engage them in conversation. Even broadband telesales people suddenly found themselves welcome. Never bought an internet contract off 'em, though!

Some people would also ring me thinking they were actually sending a fax, only to be put through to a private home.  Should have got myself a fax machine set up. Could have been privvy to all kinds of information. Knowledge is power, they say!

Some other guy rang me thinking it was a branch of Santander, the bank. It's a shame I've never had any problems with Santander. I was with another bank at the time and wasn't too happy with them. It would have been a golden opportunity to give an inside story on my bank's connivance!

Then there was one girl who rang my flat by mistake, thinking it was a bakery. Twice she rang, in fact. Such potential. That could have been the start of something beautiful! 

That's how I suggest to overcome shyness. What do you think? Do you know other ways? In fact, maybe you're a freelancer yourself and have found this is the case too? 

I'm pretty approachable, and all comments are welcome on this blog. But maybe you'd like to grab a drink before you tell me anyway, just in case. 

Come on now - don't be shy!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Forget about the Blues

The hard workers that we are, a lot of us feel the Monday morning blues. 

It's only natural. You've had a marvellous weekend with the family, free of troubles and strife. Or, if you're single like me, with friends or simply relaxing by yourself in that trusty third place. 

Monday morning strikes, the alarm goes off on and the Monday blues go straight to work! It's cold outside. It's back to the grind.

You graft away Monday to Friday to put food on the table, pay the rent, or mortgage, and keep the broadband, TV licence, gas and electric wolves all from the door. 

Suddenly, you're back on top of the world. You're back in the game! You're tickety boo! You've got that Friday feeling! 

The traffic jam on the way home is more bearable. You don't mind if the train or bus is slightly late. You'll even happily stand a bit longer at the supermarket checkout or in the queue in the petrol station easier. What's the rush? It's Friday.

What about Wednesday?

English is a a funny old thing, though. We have the 'Monday morning blues' and 'Friday feeling' to describe these sensations. But what do we have for the mid-week sensations?

You know, the feeling that you're already half way through the week and it's only two more days before you can turn off the alarm for the weekend. 

Any suggestions?

Here are a few of mine:
  • the Wednesday we're nearly theres
  • the Wednesday expectations
  • the Wednesday well being
The thesaurus offered 'seventh heaven' as an option. Wednesday seventh heaven? Maybe that's going a little too far!

I'm sure you can do better than these. I'd love to hear what you come up with. 

Have some fun and banish your own Monday blues with my little challenge. You've got till the Wednesday (insert suggestion) to post your entry!